
This glossary includes those Japanese words and phrases which most commonly appear in the Collaborative Reference Database(CRD)

レファレンス事例:Reference examples

レファレンス事例:Reference examples
Japanese English Notes
レファレンス事例詳細 Detail of reference example
提供館 Library The library providing the data ,and holding copyrights
公開レベル Access level The level of access to the data
事例作成日 Creation date of case data The date the reference example data was created
質問 Question The details of the reference question
回答 Answer The answer to the reference question
登録日時 (Data) Registration date
管理番号 Control number A control number created independently by each member library
最終更新日 Last update
回答プロセス Answering process A synopsis of the research process leading to the answer
事前調査事項 Preliminary research Information about the items the questioner researched beforehand
NDC NDC (Nippon Decimal Classification) The classification number of the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) system
NDCの版 Edition of NDC The edition the NDC used to assign an NDC number
参考資料 Reference materials The reference materials used to prepare the answer
キーワード Keywords Words that express the integral details or main concepts of the reference example
照会先 Institution or person inquired for advice The institution or person outside the library that the library referred the questioner to as a source of information for the answer
寄与者 Contributor The institution or person outside the library that provided information when the data was prepared.
備考 Notes
調査種別 Type of search Type of search
文献紹介 Bibliography A search type for a reference example
事実調査 Fact‐finding A search type for a reference example
書誌的事項調査 Bibliographic information survey A search type for a reference example
所蔵調査 Holding check A search type for a reference example
所蔵機関調査 Location search A search type for a reference example
利用案内 User Guide A search type for a reference example
その他 Other A search type for a reference example
登録番号 Registration number A data-specific I.D.
内容種別 Type of subject The genre of the reference example
郷土 Hometown A content type for a reference example
人物 Person A content type for a reference example
言葉 Word A content type for a reference example
地名 Place name A content type for a reference example
解決/未解決 Resolved / Unresolved Whether the question was resolved or has not been unresolved
質問者区分 Category of questioner The classification of the questioner
未就学児 Pre‐school child A category of questioner for the reference example
小中学生 Schoolchildren A category of questioner for the reference example
高校生 High school student A category of questioner for the reference example
社会人 Adult A category of questioner for the reference example
団体 Organization A category of questioner for the reference example
関連画像 Related Images Images related to the data

調べ方マニュアル:Search guides

調べ方マニュアル:Search guides
Japanese English Notes
調べ方マニュアル詳細 Detail of search guide data
調査テーマ Title of the search guide The title of the search guide
公開レベル Access level Level of access to the data
管理番号 Control number A control number created independently by each member library
調べ方 Contents of the search guide The contents of the search guide
調べ方作成日 Creation date of data Date the member library completed the search guide
完成、未完成 Complete / Incomplete Whether the search guide has been completed, is incomplete, or is currently in the process of being completed
キーワード Keywords Words that express the integral details or main concepts of the search guide
NDC NDC (Nippon Decimal Classification) The Nippon Decimal Classification classification number indicating the subject classification of the search guides
参考資料 Reference materials References and information resources used in creating the search guides
備考 Notes Optional write-in column (for supplementary notes)
関連画像 Related Images Images related to the data
登録番号 Registration number A data-specific I.D.
登録日時 (Data) Registration date The system-registered date and time of the data
最終更新日時 Last update Date and time of the last data update by the system
提供館 Library The library providing the data ,and holding copyrights

特別コレクション:Special collections

特別コレクション:Special collections
Japanese English Notes
特別コレクションデータ詳細 Detail of special collection data
コレクション名 Collection name The name of the special collection
コレクション名ヨミ Pronunciation key The pronunciation of the name of the special collection
公開レベル Access level Level of access to the data
内容 Outline General information on the special collection
来歴 Origin The origin of the special collection
利用条件 Restriction on use Whether use has been restricted or not
目録等 Catalog Information on the catalog that will serve as a means to search the special collection
紹介文献 Literature Bibliographic information introducing the special collection
所蔵点数 Number of materials The number of items in the special collection
継続 Continue / Discontinued Whether acquisition is being continued or has been discontinued
備考 Notes Optional write-in column (for supplementary notes)
関連画像 Related Images Images related to the data
コレクションID Control number A data-specific I.D.
登録日時 (Data) Registration date The system-registered date and time of the data
最終更新日時 Last update Date and time of the last data update by the system
提供館 Library The library providing the data ,and holding copyrights

参加館プロファイル:Profiles of member libraries

参加館プロファイル:Profiles of member libraries
Japanese English Notes
参加館プロファイル詳細 Detail of profile data
館種 Library type A code that indicates the classification of a member library based on the "Stipulations for Participation in the Collaborative Reference Database Project"
公開レベル Access level Level of access to the data
図書館名(正式) Library name The formal name of a member library
図書館(略式) Abbreviation The abbreviation for the name of a member library
図書館ヨミ Pronunciation key The pronunciation of the formal name for a member library
郵便番号 Zip code The zip/postal code of a member library
住所 Address The address of a member library
電話番号1 Telephone number The telephone number for a member library
E-Mail(管理者) E-mail The E-mail address of the Collaborative Reference Database Project contact (department)
電話番号2 Telephone number The telephone number for a member library
電話番号3 Telephone number The telephone number for a member library
FAX番号 Fax number The fax number for a member library
E-Mail E-mail The contact E-mail for a member library
URL URL The URL of the member library homepage
開館情報 Opening Hours Information on when member libraries open
利用条件 Restriction on use Information about restricted access and notes about use
沿革 Outline The history of the member libraries
特色 Feature Special features such as collections, services, etc.
注意事項 Notes Notes about the database
交通アクセス Access Member library communication access
関連画像 Related Images Images related to the data
図書館コード Control number A data-specific I.D.
登録日時 (Data) Registration date The system-registered date and time of the data
最終更新日時 Last update Date and time of the last data update by the system


Japanese English Notes
詳細検索 Advanced Search
検索条件 Search criteria
前方一致 Prefix search
を含む and
を含まない not
項目間を Connecting Columns with
参照 Select from List A list of NDC (Nippon Decimal Classification) for selection
検索対象 Select library type A pull-down menu list of libraries for selection
検索の上限 Search limit
免責事項 Disclaimer